Dagobah Real Estate

This is a Starwars themed shit coin for Solana about a real estate agency on Dagobah that is so fucking random, you just have to.

Where every home is a waterfront property.

Dagobah Real Estate Inc.

We are the premier realtors of the Dagobah System. Nestled snuggly in the Outer Rim Territories, this is the place where dreams are made. Where every home is a waterfront property, come get away from it all and raise a family in the quiet planet of Dagobah.


How can you not trust these faces?

Taaarg Fleee-tik and his team, are known by many in the system as the most honest aliens in the Galaxy. They only knows how to be helpful and honest. They love Dagobah and though none of them live in Dagobah, they want to assure everyone that it's not because it's not a nice place to live. It is.

Taaarg Fleee-tik

Blaaarg Raar-Rar

Larndy Shitgrin

Alan Smith

Potential New Homes

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

₹239,000 - waterfront

2 bds | 1 ba | 800+ sqft

₹48,000 - waterfront

₹29,000 - waterfront

₹100,000 - waterfront

0 bds | 0 ba | 10,000+ sqft

0 bds | 0 ba | 5,000+ sqft

0 bds | 0 ba | 25,000+ sqft

”Love Dagobah I do. Good food it has. Sold my house this guy did. To Coruscant I am moving. Closer to the brothels I will be.”

- Yoda

”Okay so first of all, this place smells like the ass end of a Nergler. Second of all, the temperature is so fucking hot and humid my crotch feels the Hutt's brothel on Coruscant. Fuck this real estate agent! I think that asshole also stole my identity.”

- Alan Smith

”We moved here from Tatooine and it's a nice change of scenery. Schools are okay.”

- Randy and Debra Aaaaaaaaaaaaak

”aaahnruh huuguughghg aarrragghuuhw aarrragghuuhw uughguughhhghghghhhgh aaaaahnr raaaaaahhgh uughghhhgh huuguughghg huuguughghg wrrhwrwwhw uggguh huurh. uughghhhgh huuguughghg!”


”Total scammer piece of shit! I'm going to rip off his head and shit down his neck. My house sank into the fucking mud and my dog was eaten by some little green hillbilly with long ears!”

- Tarip Larf

”Spent a summer on Dagobah. Its fucking trash.”


Happy Customers

Financing Options

We will do whatever it takes to get you into $DAGOBAH. Anything...

All LP Burned

No Taxes

1 Billion

We have plenty of pools on Dagobah. So we just burn the liquidity ones.

If a stormtroopers ask just tell them you lost the tax forms.

We believe in supply and demand. That's we have over a billion supply. Everyone wants in.